Research Project And Tech Report Contribution

 1. Research on smart homes in Singapore, specifically for the elderly such as My Smart HDB Home @ Yuhua. In Singapore.

2. Researched the demographic of the elderly staying alone in Singapore and their relevant data from SingStat, a government agency for data tracking and analysis. Also added them into the report appendix.

3. Further read up on issues elderly who live alone face in Singapore, such as social-emotional and economic issues from the research paper, Home Alone: Older Adults in Singapore, a research paper by DukeNUS Medical School and Center for Ageing Research & Education. Also added them into the report appendix.

4. Find relevant housing information on elderly living, specifically 3-room flats and layout of them. 

5. Research on smart home system technology such as sensors, alarm/notification and voice recognition.

6. I interviewed our primary source, Ms Gayle Lau during our Zoom meeting regarding her past experience working in the hospital and how it can improve our solutions. 

7. I summarized up the entire tech report in our conclusion

8. Tidied up the reference list and rearrange them accordingly 


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