Critital Reflection

As someone who had went through communication modules in poly, I thought I can cruise this module with ease. I have never thought of learning new things, hence I do not have any expectation of this module. Indeed, I was very wrong as every lesson is a new beginning for me. From citations, to research technique to presentation habits, I have pick up new things along the way and use them throughout the assignments. Outside of this module, I have also applied them for my external internship application, Singapore Valley Application. Hence, I am grateful for going through module in my first trimester of Uni.

I have further improved my presentation skills through the vodcast on employability and oral presentation. These 2 assignments are required of different presentation skills as they are to different audience. The vodcast is for future employers and is done through video, whereas the oral presentation ids done verbally to stakeholders. For the vodcast, I am tasked to create a 2 minutes pitch on my personal achievement and skills. With the limited time, I will have to pitch my personal strengths quickly and comfortably to ensure a smooth delivery. Even though its not easy, but I managed to overcome the adversity with ease after learning from the module. I am happy to enhance my presentation skills through this module. 

I have learnt how to cite from sources properly, with APA 7th edition. In the past during my poly days, the citation taught to me was just to include the title and website URL. Which turns out to be inadequate for a proper citation.  I always believe that we can use the works of others, should never take credit for the efforts of others. For the reader response, there a website which breakdowns the interior part of the Bosch Active Line Ebike Drive, which assisted me greatly in my drafting of the report. I am very grateful for his effort and believe it has not only benefitted me, but also readers out there. Hence is very important to give credit and acknowledge other on their wonderful efforts.

Reader Essay: I enjoy reading up on the different engineering features and function of the Ebike drive. When working with Sky, I also find out more about here through her working experience, resulting in further understanding of its features and functions. As it is a very well-engineered product, I came across breakdowns and explanation of the entire drive. This helps in my reader essay a lot as I can explain its feature and functions fully.


Tech Report: In my teams, we faced hiccups from the start as we could not come to an agreement on which topic to focus on our research on. Hence, we had a pretty rough start to our research. Upon agreeing to the research focus, everything was very smooth sailing as everyone was focused on their tasks and know what is expected of them. The report and presentations turn out to be very well and I very proud the team. 


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